December 20, 2018


Thông báo thay đổi logo tổ chức RED Communication   The main difference between the time launching old logo (2010) and the time launching new logo (2018), is that at the begining we did not know where we were going, but now we have created a road. After 8 years of operation, not everyone knows RED, but those who know, are envisioning RED though not totally good but always reliable for the common - we consider that RED is located. REDers has a notion: development communication is the communication that accelerates the State, the Market, and the Community on sustainable development process - that’s our reason to wake up and work every day. In the script, "R" is the only word which has straight line, horizontal line, rounded and diagonal lines, right angle and rounded corner… releases completely the symbolic beauty of characters. And we are in the stage of organization socialization, desire to connect with individuals, organizations with different ltraits but have same goal of sustainable development, together release energy. Respectfully announce!